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We Do a Lot To Make the World Better!

Mental illness is one of the major public health challenges in Scotland. Around one in three people are estimated to be affected by mental illness in any one year.” (The Scottish Government, 2013).

We are Hope Center and we are a mental health charity with the aim of providing support for those with mental illnesses and their families.

Therefore, we want to provide an open, friendly environment with support groups and counsellors on hand to help during opening hours and a 24/7 support line.

Upcoming Events

  • Sponsored Fun Run

    Put on a costume and run to raise as much money as possible for Hope Center!

  • Space Hopper 5K

    How far will you hop to raise awareness of mental health!? Details on how to get involved will be released shortly.

  • Spot The Ball

    Enter our Spot The Ball raffle, winner recieves a skiiing trip in Aviemore. Competition comoing soon.