Venue | Club Night | Cider | Beer | Vodka Single | Vodka Double | Jaeger Bomb | Cheapest Shot | Normal Entry Price | Info | Guestlist |
Bamboo | WNB | £3.00 | £3.00 | £1.00 | £2.00 | £2.00 | £1.00 | £6.00 | Info | Guestlist |
Kushion | Hii Life | £2.00 | £2.00 | £1.00 | £1.00 | £1.00 | £1.00 | £3.00 | Info | Guestlist |
Garage | Garage Wednesdays | £3.00 | £3.00 | £3.00 | £3.00 | £2.00 | £3.00 | £5.00 | Info | Guestlist |
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