About Us
Fishmonger Flies was established in 1983 when a young Patrick McMahon was birthed into a stream by his mad fisherwoman mother. She has a bad case of indigestion that morning but knew the stream was the place to be despite her ever expanding countenance.
From this humble beginning in a brook Patrick found rivers in his veins and his natural affinity towards water yielded high results in catch. It is over the course of a life time that Patrick has improved his fishermanship. Each outing is detailed and logged to be analyzed upon returning home to find improvements and new ways to capture his brothers of the stream.
Now he, and his guides, want to share their expertise with the world.
They use hundreds of flies, dozens of techniques, and a single attitude of determination to ensure the streams empty of their bounty. Come join them on their life long journey to hammer the waters, search out new hot beds, and generally enjoy God's green earth.