Our Mission & Services

To provide support and hope for children affected by mental illness in Scotland.

  • School Visits
  • Awareness Seminars
  • One to One Counseling
  • Activity Days
  • Buddy System
  • Confidence Classes
  • Stress Management
  • Online Q&A Sessions

We aim to provide children and parents with the most amount of resources to help them deal with their illnesses. We provide these services at our various UK locations, aswell as online help for those around the rest of the world.

Upcoming Events

  • Sponsored Fun Run

    Put on a costume and run to raise as much money as possible for Hope Center!

  • Space Hopper 5K

    How far will you hop to raise awareness of mental health!? Details on how to get involved will be released shortly.

  • Spot The Ball

    Enter our Spot The Ball raffle, winner recieves a skiiing trip in Aviemore. Competition comoing soon.