Our Work

We visit schools making teenagers aware of mental illnesses and the help that is available. Drop in sessions 2.00-4.00pm Monday, Thursday and Friday. Drop in sessions 1.30 - 4.30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - in our Glasgow, Stirling, Edinburgh and Dundee Centres.

If you wish us to do a talk at your school or youth group contact: melanie@hopecentre.co.uk


You can help support our cause by donating what you can, and we'll keep you updated with progress of the children.

As a Charity, we completely rely on your donations to keep the program going, so if you are interested in making a difference in mental health, please donate and help our services grow.

Upcoming Events

  • Sponsored Fun Run

    Put on a costume and run to raise as much money as possible for Hope Center!

  • Space Hopper 5K

    How far will you hop to raise awareness of mental health!? Details on how to get involved will be released shortly.

  • Spot The Ball

    Enter our Spot The Ball raffle, winner recieves a skiiing trip in Aviemore. Competition comoing soon.